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Is Homeschooling Allowed in India? Homeschooling Advantages

Is Homeschooling Allowed in India? Homeschooling Advantages
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Homeschooling as a form of education has been gaining popularity amongst parents in India and other nations as a schooling alternative. But it’s the common question that arises among parents Is homeschooling allowed in India? For sure, it is legal in India. Families in search of a flexible and individualized learning experience would certainly benefit from homeschooling. Purple Turtle Homeschooling and such like programs enable children’s development in basic skill areas, i.e., writing, reading, etc., as they learn in a comfortable setting. In this blog, we shall examine the homeschooling advantages, its legality, and homeschooled meaning in Hindi.

Is Homeschooling allowed in India?

Many parents ask, “Is Homeschooling allowed in India?”. The answer is. Yes, homeschooling is allowed in India. Homeschooling is allowed under the Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009. Children under the ages of 6 and 14 must obtain an education, but the statute doesn’t specify how or where this schooling must happen. It is a government policy promoting open and distance learning that permits parents who homeschool their children to register with the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and enroll their children to take its examinations. This government policy offers flexibility for parents who want to educate their children at home.

Homeschooling allowed in India

Homeschooling Advantages

  • Homeschooling provides flexibility
  • Safe learning environment
  • No peer pressure
  • Parental time and commitment
  • Customized curriculum
  • Efficient learning
  • Meaningful learning
  • Environment control
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Homeschooling supports family bonding
  • Individualized learning
  • One-on-one teaching
  • Homeschooling encourages individualized learning

Key Homeschooling Advantages of Purple Turtle

Purple Turtle’s approach to homeschooling combines structure with creativity, making it an ideal choice for families seeking a personalized, skill-building education for their children.

  • Builds Reading and Writing Foundations: To help kids build solid reading and writing foundations, Purple Turtle’s curriculum strongly emphasizes the fundamental ability to read through engaging stories, reading, and enjoyable activities.
  • Flexible Learning at a Child’s Pace: With Purple Turtle, kids may study without the pressure of a rigid timetable, ensuring complete understanding and letting them move at their speed. 
  • Encourages a Love for Learning: Captivating pictures and narrative-based learning make schooling enjoyable while developing a natural curiosity and passion for reading and writing.
  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Purple Turtle’s homeschooling curriculum offers a stress-free environment where kids may concentrate on their studies without disturbances and develop their confidence in a nurturing environment. 
  • Enhances Parent-Child Bonding: Parents take part by building long-term relationships with their kids and interesting and inspiring opportunities for learning together. 

Purple Turtle’s Approach to Reading and Writing

Purple Turtle homeschooling uses multiple resources and methods to make writing and reading enjoyable. It supports the growth of reading in the ways listed below: 

  • Story-Based Learning: Through the use of story-based guidance, Purple Turtle encourages kids to read as well as learn new concepts. As children follow the adventures of Purple Turtle characters, they naturally improve their vocabulary as well as keep learning.
  • Phonics and Vocabulary Building: Purple Turtle uses phonics activities to help kids identify sounds, spell words correctly, and read more fluently. This method makes reading and writing easy and enjoyable.
  • Interactive Writing Exercises: Purple Turtle offers kids fun, organized writing exercises. Kids begin with basic phrases and work their way up to paragraphs and stories as they develop their ability to communicate clearly. 

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Q1. Is homeschooling allowed in India?

Answer:  Yes, homeschooling is allowed in India. Allowed under the Right to Education Act (RTE) 2009. Government policy permits parents who homeschool their children to register with the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and enroll their children to take its examinations.

Q2. What is the homeschooled meaning in Hindi?

Answer: “घर पर पढ़ाई करना” or “घर में शिक्षा प्राप्त करना।” Homeschooled meaning In Hindi, under the guidance of parents or tutors, this refers to learning that takes place at home. दूसरे तरीके से कहें तो,  जो बच्चे घरेलू शिक्षा प्राप्त करते हैं वे पारंपरिक औपचारिक स्कूल में नहीं जाते, बल्कि आमतौर पर ट्यूटर्स या अपने माता-पिता की मदद से घर पर पढ़ते हैं।


For Indian families considering the option of homeschooling, Purple Turtle provides a useful, entertaining, and successful curriculum based on the fundamentals of logic, reading, and writing. Is homeschooling allowed in India? Homeschooling is an excellent approach for families who find it necessary to build a unique, convenient, and motivating mode of education. Under the conditions of homeschooling, which supposes a warm family environment and creative educational resources, children can easily achieve their educational objectives.

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